Finally I can share with you guys an amazing news -after 99ays of hard (really hard) work I have finished my beaded jasmine tree. It is 160cm tall. There are 65 flowers and blossoms, approximately 500 leaves. This is definitely the biggest project I have ever made from beads.
The most challenging task was not only the beading part but also the assembling, because of the weight of branches it was extremely important to attach them to the stem as strong as possible. Branches and stem are from metal rod. Thankfully my husband curved them into the shape and angle I needed. I can admit that now I feel completely exhausted. This tree is done and I'm so happy with the result. Hopefully the customer will be satisfies.
Detailed instructions and tutorials you can find here -
and here -
Beidzot ir pienākusi tā diena, kad ar prieku varu paziņot, ka pērlīšu jasmīns ir pabeigts. Tā kā koks ir 160cm liels, bija nepieciešamas 99dienas sūra, grūta darba, lai ko tādu izveidotu. Ļoti nogurdinoš projekts, taču ar rezultātu esmu apmierināta un ceru, ka arī klientei patiks.
Kociņu veido 65 ziedi un pumpuri, kā arī aptuveni 500 lapu. Grūtības sagādāja ne tikai lielais darba apjoms ar pērlītēm, bet arī koka salikšana, jo zari ir smagi un bija nepieciešams droši un pamatīgi tos sastiprināt pie koka stumbra. Koka zari un stumbrs ir no metāla. Liels paldies jāsaka manam vīram, kurš grieza un lieca zarus nepieciešamajā garumā un izliekumā.
Detalizētu pamācību iespējams atrast šeit -
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