Well, finally I have returned to beading after a period of absence. I decided to make lily from beads. Previous two times I made pink lilies some time ago, but this time the white ones. The scheme of lilies I like the most you can see here - scheme of lily and the one with detailed pictures - http://izbiserka.ru/liliya-iz-bisera/ Using this scheme the result always is very realistic that's why I like it the most. I also made some detailed pictures of petals and leafs. Maybe for someone they will be useful.
For one lily I made 2 or 3 buds of different sizes. For one complete bud you have to make three fractions and than interlace them together.
I also made blossomed bud of lily. It is necessary to maker three inner petals and three outer petals which are slightly bigger.
And of course the blossom of lily, which consists from 6 petals.
What concerns leafs, for a lily I made three large leafs. To make them, you have to interlace two halves together. And for buds I made 5 or 6 small leafs.
Which one you like better white or pink?
Beidzot esmu atsākusi darbu ar pērlēm pēc ilgākas prombūtnes. Pirms kāda laika izveidoju rozā lilijas, taču šoreiz nolēmu uztaisīt baltas. Shēmu iespējams atrast šeit - lilijas shēma un ar detalizētām bildēm šeit - http://izbiserka.ru/liliya-iz-bisera/ Vienmēr izmantoju tieši šo shēmu liliju izveidei, jo manuprāt rezultāts sanāk ļoti realistisks. Esmu safotofrafējusi gan pašu izveides procesu (ja nu kādam noder), gan pašu gala rezultātu.
Kādas lilijas jums patīk labāk - rozā vai baltas?
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