Flower making is my passion that is for sure. And not only large flower compositions, but also small flower pendants, rings and charms. I just have finished two chain pendants. The tutorial you can get here - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/marisa_ig/post342497824/ .
Although instructions are written in a foreign language ( to my deepest regret I even don't know what exactly language it is) illustrations just make it clear without a word. This is first time when I worked using exclusively Japanese beads. They really are high quality, but unfortunately also very pricy. One of pendants I will definitely keep to myself because it's SO pretty. :)
Although instructions are written in a foreign language ( to my deepest regret I even don't know what exactly language it is) illustrations just make it clear without a word. This is first time when I worked using exclusively Japanese beads. They really are high quality, but unfortunately also very pricy. One of pendants I will definitely keep to myself because it's SO pretty. :)
Ziedi, bez šaubām, tā ir mana lielā mīlestība, taču ne tikai lielās ziedu kompozīcijas, bet arī nelielas puķītes piekariņi. Nesen esmu veiksmīgi pabeigusi divus jaunus piekariņus no pērlītēm. Šīs puķes ir ļoti elegantas un skaistas. Savu artavu dot tas, ka viņas pilnībā ir veidotas no Japāņu pērlītēm. Šīs pērlītes ir izslavētas ar savu augsto kvalitāti, taču tās ir arī daudz dārgākas par visām citām (īpaši Miyuki). Pamācība, šādu piekariņu izveidei, ir atrodama šeit - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/marisa_ig/post342497824/ . Kaut arī tā ir rakstīta svešvalodā (diemžēl pat nezinu, kas tā ir par valodu) ilustrācijas ir ļoti detalizētas un viegli saprotamas. Vienu no šīm puķītēm pavisam noteikti paturēšu sev! :)
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